Monday, March 31, 2014

Swimming through Rewrites- SCBWI Conference on the Horizon

I just kicked my backstory out of the front seat in my YA after reading Writing Irresistible Kidlit by Mary Kole. I've weaved some of it in her journal and through dialogue and wondered if it was still too much for the first chapter. But after reading Julia give the history of her friendship with Amy, in Jan-Phillip Sendker's A Well-Tempered Heart,I think it's okay. 

I wrote the first draft before editing with my MG novel. My magical realism YA, in first person, is not going that route. I keep swimming back for more rewrites. I have to set limits or my first draft will never reach shore. This is what I'll be working on at SCBWI Spring Writer's Retreat in the Wino country ; ) Temecula. I wonder if everyone will have a glass during first pages? I think it's a good idea, don't you?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Preparing to Dive Back In

I'm beached for the moment while I read Mary Kole's Writing Irresistible Kidlit-The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Fiction for Young Adult and Middle Grade Readers. I'm halfway through it and so far, it's two pens up. Chapter 3, What's the Big Idea inspired me to rewrite my elevator pitches. Lover of cats and Audrey Hepburn movies, it was fun to learn about the Save the Cat Moment in chapter 5. It was derived from Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's an action that makes you feel for the character. When you have an unlikable character, it's important to have a strong "save the cat moment." In the book I just read, Lost Voices, by Sara Porter, fourteen year old Luce turns into a mermaid. Her adversary, Anais, is horrible. I kept hoping for that solid "save the cat" moment, but it never surfaced and I felt Anais shouldn't have either.

Challenged to dive back into my YA, this beach time is giving me what I need to do so.