The view from my office window-My Cea of Change. This is who I work for at the moment,a young Northern Elephant Seal(s) and a baby Sea Lion(s). Pacific Marine Mammal Center, a non-profit, is a rescue/rehab/release center, and right now, we are at our max of animals. 10,000 and counting California sea lions have died along our California Coast due to the unusually warm waters.
After being on the animal care crew for fours years 97-2001, I recently became a gift shop volunteer and now I'm on staff as the new gift shop mgr./buyer for PMMC in my hometown of Laguna Beach. Though part time, I put in a lot of volunteer hours as well to stay on top of everything-purchasing, checking in shipments, organizing displays/items, inventory, volunteer training, searching out new vendors for books, jewelry, t-shirts, etc. I also have my own business here in LB and there's the writing. Diving back in today after being caught up in my Cea of Change for the past couple of weeks.
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