Thursday, March 15, 2012

Synopsis Stalled

I got my synopsis started but soon stalled out while sipping my french roast at my favorite coffee bar last week. Rebecca, the children's librarian finished my middle grade book, ye! So it's time to plunge  into the Cea of rewrites again. Synopsis, you'll just have to float around for awhile until I'm ready to swim back to you. Don't worry, it won't be too long. I'm getting to the point where I want this to be done already! My critique group has aways to go, since we go over only one to two chapters every two weeks. "Patience" is my mantra. Thank Goddess/ God and all supreme ethereal beings for my critique group for their "seeing" abilities, when my mind fog sets in and my "be" verbs and "pet" words play invisible and  whose camaraderie is like a cozy fireplace on a cold day in this big, wide world of writing.

Looks like I'll get a chapter in after I'm finished here. Nice how blogging gets you in the writing mode, don't you agree?

Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm Back!

I share my birthday with George Washington which I have always found interesting. Our first president was a Pisces- we're the dreamers so I guess that makes sense. It has been a whirlwind week of celebrating with friends and family and I'm finally back. It was an amazing weekend; Saturday the ocean was crystal clear with hues of green. I watched the bright orange Girabaldi below as I glided across the glassy water on my stand up paddle board I nicknamed, the blue whale. Two large common dolphins cruised by to say "hello," but I was sorry they didn't have time to stop for tea, (Green tea, of course).
     Sunday was another gorgeous day and this time, my friends and I, hiked the hills above the sparkling coves. I always wanted to see a rattle snake and yesterday, I did! So there he was lounging in the sun with his rattle on the edge of the trail and the rest of him in a ditch with his belly full; the perfect photo op and none of us had a camera! Soaring above, a couple of red tail hawks. It was lunch time but I think something else caught their eyes as they sailed east across the sky.
    Synopsis time, I'll let you know how that goes.